Moon Trip: Teaser Script
          (An Official Document)

Scene 1): FADE IN. A Full Moon is depicted on screen. Fog steadily rolls in to cover part of the Moon. Suddenly the Moon Copter flies past the Moon with Moon Knight hanging on the ladder. From right to left, the title “Moon Trip” fades in over the Moon WITH NO DELAY as the Moon Copter flies past the Moon.

Scene 2): CLOSE FRAME ON MOON KNIGHT’S TORSO. Moon Knight is hanging on the ladder still with his cape waving in the wind as he subtly moves his head around as though he is looking for something. Only the bottom half of the Moon Copter is seen. Have a night sky backdrop move in the background.

Scene 3): FIRST PERSON VIEW OF MOON KNIGHT. Show Oscorp Industries in a top down view standing out in the city landscape as the camera artificially shakes up and down for effect.

Scene 4): CLOSE FRAME ON MOON KNIGHT’S TORSO. Moon Knight is hanging on the ladder just as before with his cape waving in the wind. Only the bottom half of the Moon Copter is seen. Moon Knight squints his eyes and quickly turns his head presumably in the direction of the pilot.

Moon Knight: “Thanks Frenchie, I’ll… take it from here…. Meet you and Crawley back at Spector Corp in an hour or so”. He turns his head back in its original position facing directly out the distance and carefully dives off the ladder in a Somersault manner.

Scene 5): FRAME FACES UP TO THE SKY SEEING MOON KNIGHT DIVING FACE FIRST. Over a short period of time, Moon Knight will dive head first closer to the screen until his face takes up half of the screen. While moving closer to the screen, he thrusts his arms to his sides once and will then appear with a light Navy blue glow around him (Moon Powers). Night sky background steadily shrinks while this all happens. Then he lets out only some of his cape so that the air while set him up into a soft glide.

Scene 6): SIDE VIEW PAN SHOT ON THE LEFT SIDE OF MOON KNIGHT’S FACE AS HE FALLS DOWN. Oscorp is seen on the left side, blurred at first but then clear as it gets into focus. Moon Knight turns his head to the right to see the building. He then immediately turns his body 90 degrees to the right in the same shot now transitioning into a third person back view of Moon Knight. Moon Knight’s cape is genteelly waving and wrinkling in the wind with now the Oscorp building slowly getting closer to Moon Knight. Keeping this shot consistent UP UNTIL Moon Knight crashes into one of the build’s windows breaking it instantly (remember, FULL MOON = POWERS).

Scene 7): FIRST PERSON VIEW OF MOON KNIGHT GETTING UP OFF THE FLOOR. Glass is lying scattered on the square tile ground (16 shards sounds about right) and Moon Knight’s gloved hands are seen in view pushing off the ground. Depict some blinking done in post editing. Pan shot to have Moon Knight look up at a door while the camera settles in a position stimulating him kneeling on the floor. All done using the same background layed out in a perspective that can showcase the floor to the door simply by zoom pan shots for a seamless transition. THE DOOR ITSELf has “Oscorp: 472” printed above, appears wooden, and has a locked metal handle on the left side. First person camera leans right then left while steadily moving up to indicate Moon Knight is now transitioning from kneeling to a standing position.

Scene 8): FIRST PERSON TO THIRD PERSON TO REGULAR FULL BODY SHOT OF MOON KNIGHT BY THE DOOR. So the door is now the focus in its own new two point perspective shot as Moon Knight is still in first person. Moon Knight then walks forward into frame thus blocking the camera with his flowing cape as he walks closer to the door of course he will get smaller in perspective until he is rough slightly smaller than the size of the door. Moon Knight will be on the right side of the door handle when he is finally close to the door. Immediately when he stops walking closer, he turns his head down to the left to look at the handle (his back is facing the audience mind you, but you can see the left side of his face as he turns to face the door handle).

Scene 9): CLOSE UP LOOK AT THE DOOR HANDLE’S SUPER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. The handle appeals to be key card activated for employees only who work at Oscorp. The light on the top right of the key card activator is indicated as red. RED MEANS LOCKED, STUPID!!!

Scene 10): RE-USE SAME BACKGROUND AS FROM scene 9. Moon Knight is still focusing hard staring at that door handle. Then he slowly turns his to face the wooden door and pauses for a little while. Without any indication, he punches his RIGHT FIST straight through the door with ease and opens the door from the inside. He walks inside the room which appears pitch black with some navy blue colors to the audience. Keep this scene on until Moon Knight is gone from sight.

Scene 11): BUILDING THE ATMOSPHERE OF ROOM 472. The room as an old fashion wood panel floor with nails hammered in. The lights above are broken and a old fashioned lantern that is bizarrely glowing green is hanging from the ceiling.
WHAT IS ACTUALLY SEEN: A bizarre slanted to the right shot (Right is below and Left is lifted higher) showcasing the left side of the room by the doorway with Moon Knight’s right side in view of the camera and the door is still open. The left side of the room is dark but you can some details showcasing a somewhat jail cell design. However what is lurking in the shadows of the cells is unknown to the audience… Muhahaha!!! (cough).
Moon Knight is walking slowly forward (to the right screen). JUMP SCARE!!! A deformed arm from the shadows outstretches from the left of the room jail cell SLAMS the door shut, but Moon Knight doesn’t flinch nor notice and keeps walking until he’s off screen.

Scene 12): SLANTED TO THE LEFT CLOSE UP ON THE WEIRD GREEN GLOWING LANTERN. See the Lantern just hanging there glowing it’s stupid green glow. Moon Knight’s gloved hand comes into frame with a match and lights the lantern. As he retracts his hand from frame, the stupid green glowing lantern sways back and forth with ghost like forms sparking out with soft high pitch screaming as the lantern’s flame burns. The screams slowly die down and the unimportant lantern subtly changes from green to black with the flame still burning away. It stops swaying.

Scene 13): FULL BODY VIEW OF MOON KNIGHT‘S BACK TO CAMERA AS HE FACES THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROOM BLOCKING VIEW OF THE LANTERN. He here’s a rodent scampering while squeaking and turns his body 180 around slowly to face the audience. Once he does so, The rodent scampers into frame close to the camera taking up most of the frame. As the rat goes off frame, Moon Knight’s head follows the movement of the rodent.

Scene 14): CLOSE PANNING SHOT OF THE RAT RUNNING ACROSS THE WOODEN FLOOR, MOVING FRANTICALLY FROM RIGHT TO LEFT ON SCREEN. The shot itself has the wooden floor grooves pointing on an upwards angle to the right of the screen. As soon as the Rat gets close to the end of the background of the floor (because Lord knows I ain’t drawing anymore of that), IMMEDIATELY in only FOUR FRAMES Moon Knight’s crescent dart DECAPITATES the rat and pins it’s head the floor. The Rat body continues to waggle around for a bit as it eventually bleeds out and falls still. It’s blood is noticeably an unusually bright Orange-Red and APPEARS TO BE LIVING!!! The blood moves about as a SYMBIOTE like face begins to form.

Scene 15): MOON KNIGHT’S LOWER HALF IS SEEN IN FRAME WITH THE DEAD RAT WITH IT’S BLOOD BEING THE MAIN FOCUS. Moon Knight slowly gets into frame by getting into his kneeling position while the Rat’s blood still awkwardly moves around the scene. Eventually Moon Knight moves his arm reaching for a test tube in his utility belt and scroops up the rodent blood. He then brings the test tube closer to his face.

Scene 16): CLOSE UP OF MOON KNIGHT’S FACE FROM THE LEFT SIDE (FACE LEFT, BODY IS ON RIGHT SIDE) AND HOLDING THE TEST TUBE CONTAINING BLOOD. The blood is moving around making faces and appears to be multiplying within the tube. Moon Knight is looking directly at the test tube.

Moon Knight: “What... have I done to this world?”.

A Frightening Voice in the distance: “Was it worth it Marc?!?”
Moon Knight quickly looks up away from the test tube and moves the tube out of frame.

Scene 17): RE-USE SAME BACKGROUND SHOT FROM scene 13. Moon Knight in full body view facing the camera, slowly gets off his knees on the floor and stands up. He swiftly turns 180 degrees around, grabs the now black lantern off the hook, turns little more than 90 degrees around with the lantern now raised high over his head, and sways the lantern from left to right as though he is searching for something in particular.

Scene 18): FIRST PERSON VIEW THAT DISPLAYS THE SPOT LIGHT FROM THE LANTERN AS MOON KNIGHT PANS FROM LEFT TO RIGHT FACING THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE WALL THIS TIME AROUND. From left to right, the spotlight focuses on three and a half jail cells. The first contains a messed up version of Daredevil doing something terrifying. The next contains a messed up version of Ash from the evil dead now possessed. The third cage contains The Blob eating Wasp stomach first while she screams for her life. The last cell of which you only see half showcase Anthony Hopkins with his creepy smile as his head follows where the spotlight shines. The scene stays until the spotlight moves off camera.
NOW WHILE THIS HAPPENS, the frightening voice continues to speak.

A Frightening Voice from the distance: “Paper for your pocket… does it keep you warm at night, Steven?”

Scene 19): CLOSE SHOT OF MOON KNIGHT’S FACE LOOKING TO THE LEFT AND QUICKLY ROTATING TO THE RIGHT. The background is of the left side of the room zoomed in. There’s a light bit of light and shadowing coming from the lantern onto Moon Knight’s face. After rotating his head to the right of the scene with still both of his eyes visible, Moon Knight lifts his lantern in the direction he currently faces.

Scene 20): FIRST PERSON VIEW WITH ONLY THE RIGHT ARM VISIBLE STICKING OUT INTO FRAME HOLDING THE LANTERN. The light from the lantern focuses on a skull laying on the corner of a metal table. The lantern sways around for a bit until in relaxes into position.

Scene 21): SLANTED DOWNWARDS TO THE RIGHT TORSO VIEW OF MOON KNIGHT WALKING UP TO THE SKULL ON THE METAL TABLE. Moon Knight’s right side is seen in frame as he slowly walks up to the skull with Moon Knight’s head constantly focused in transition to the skull. The skull plainly sits there focused straight out facing the left side of the scene and of course only the left side of the skull is seen in frame. Scene ends when Moon Knight is up close to the skull peering down at it and he moves his hands slightly towards it but backs his arms away when he notices the skull awakens from it’s false slumber.

Scene 22): FOCUS SHOT CENTERED ON THE SKULL PLACED IN THE MIDDLE OF FRAME SITTING ON THE TABLE. He (MOANS) with his mouth a gate as his fiery eyes roll down into place. As soon as his eyes are in place, smoke burst out of the top of his cranium and from that comes the flame. Then the skull begins to speak once more.

Ghost Rider’s Head: “Was once penny-less, now wealthy beyond belief and yet out of work because of Uber. Eh, Jake?”.

Scene 23): A LOOKUP PERSPECTIVE SHOT OF MOON KNIGHT LOOKING DOWN SLIGHTLY TO THE RIGHT AT THE SKULL WHICH IS LOCATED ON THE FAR RIGHT BOTTOM CORNER OF THE SCREEN A QUARTER CUT OFF. You only see the top left half of the skull though it is close up to the frame. You mostly only see the back of the skull with it’s flame still burning bright.
Moon Knight: “The point of my Jake Lockley disguise was never to make money, but to be able to interact socially with the lower class civilians. Something the true Marc Spector will never be able to do again… you wouldn’t understand”.
Flip scene back to close up of Ghost Rider’s skull and continue conversation.
Ghost Rider’s Head: “You think I wouldn’t understand? I’m permanently stuck in this form after losing my body because of your (SARCASTIC VOICE FOR NEXT WORDS) Money Problem. I can never leave this place willingly… Can never interact with friends and family again without scaring them away.”
Flip Scene back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “Unlike you… I have to keep my disguises in check. One false word spoken and my true identity is revealed. As Marc I’m a Navy Veteran, A CIA Agent gone renegade, a Mercenary, a werewolf hunter, and a vigilante. As Steven Grant, I am a businessman. And as Jake Lockley, I’m a Taxi Driver”.
Flip Scene back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider’s Head: “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You are a Barbie girl in a Barbie world. I get the picture…”.
Flip scene back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “The point is, Marc Spector is a wanted man by both the CIA and terrorist. I cannot be myself out in the public eye or else all my loved one will be jeopardized for my past actions”.
Flip scene back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider’s Head: “I sense your soul is neither innocent nor guilty. (breaths) Ten thousand plus souls retired from your own doing. About half share innocence while the others were forever burdened”.

Flip scene back to Moon Knight.

Moon Knight: “Then you know I did not mean for this to all happen. I was trying to save jobs instead of having to fire most of my staff”.
Flip scene back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “I would have let them go… messing with space and time will only lead to fear and regret… Trust me, you need to end this before more people are harmed”.
Flip scene back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “That’s what I came here to do. I understand the Oscorp scientists were testing various patients who contracted some sort of erratic behavior disorder. I was hoping they were on a verge of a break through, but by the looks of things. This project seems to have been abandoned a month ago. But why?”
Flip scene back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “You cannot comprehend Spector, of how ever expanding this paradox you’ve forged will grow. It can never be contained… can never be reversed. It will simply continue to fester until everyone is affected by the madness”.
Flip scene back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “So I take it there’s not a cure yet?”
Flip scene back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “The only thing that can and must be done is the immediate extermination of those who share the common symptoms”.
Flip scene back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “No… there must be a better way. Marlene is one of the condemned locked up in these cells!”


Scene 24): SHOWCASE MARLENE MOVING ABOUT IN HER CELL TO WHATEVER GHOST RIDER SAYS SHE IS DOING. The next cell on the right side contains Doug Moench who is standing in the middle of his cell with all these Egyptian statues scattered around him. While he is standing there facing the camera, he is rambling on about something funny from an interview clip I found online.

Ghost Rider: “I take it your girl is the one trying to chew off her own leg. What a catch….”
Flip back to Ghost Rider with his eyes still facing the right and now slowly moving back straight on.
Ghost Rider: “Now go do Marlene a favor and shoot her between the eyes. Do it now, or forever face the consequences!!!”
Flip back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “There must be another way… I will find one!”.
Flip back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “No Spector, don’t be a fool!!!... I won’t have pity for a fool like you. If you continue any further with this charade you’ll end up…”. Blood pours down and out of Ghost Rider’s mouth. The blood oozes around his skull and continues around a self guided path. The blood forms a pool to the right of the skull spelling out “DEAD BY DAWN” with a cute little rose underneath (it was a happy little accident when animating this scene so I left it in).
“DEAD BY DAWN!!!!!”.

Marlene: “DEAD BY DAWN!!!!” (using audio recording from Evil Dead 2).
Flips back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “Wait… what’s with the rose?”
Flips back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “I don’t know… happy accidents happen… It will be the only happy thing you’ll see all night”.
Flips back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “Well you can’t be making happy accidents all over Oscorp property! They will know someone’s been here and will be after me soon enough. I already have to worry about the CIA and Terrorist organizations…. Good thing I have a bottle of Mr. Knight cleaning aid with me!”(lifts the solution into frame from underneath his cape).
Flips back to Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider: “You have your own licensed stain cleaning solution?”
Flips back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “Yeah I was a sell out back in the day… I still remember the slogan too…”(Lifts the solution up into center frame from down below).“Mr. Knight’s bleach solution, removes all remaining sheen on clothes and leaves a bad taste in your mouth”.(Flip back to Ghost Rider in which Moon Knight’s glove moves into frame holding the stain remover and sprays the blood. The Blood instantly disappears in a few frames and Moon Knight backs his hand out of frame).
Ghost Rider: “So I take it your product did not sell so well?”
Flip Back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “Yeah, it was panned by long time fans of my work. Ironically I gained a new audience who only know me by my Mr. Knight stain solution”.

Flip Back to Ghost Rider. His eyes look down briefly at where the bloodstain once was.
Ghost Rider: “That stuff works quick, what exactly is in your cleaning solution other than bleach?”
Flips back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “My company adds in a secret material known as Darkforce energy to speed up the cleaning process”.
Flips back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “Darkforce material doesn’t speed up the process of anything, it just teleports an object into the dark dimension and spits back out into our dimension in a further off location! You must tell me where these messes are predestined to end up at?”
Flips back to Moon Knight.
Moon Knight: “From what they’ve informed me, one may speculate they all teleport into a stream in South Jersey. Heard the police found a horse killed by a stray crossbow arrow last week floating around in the water”.
Flips back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “Bloody Hell, just another misguided deed of yours that I must get involved in fixing. Great… but let’s take things one step at a time. First kill Marlene and all the infected immediately in this room. We don’t want anymore of this mind rotting disease spreading throughout the world. We must contain it as soon as possible! The cabinet behind you has a pistol locked inside of it, I’ve seen the Oscorp Scientist hid it there for… emergencies. The four number pass-code to unlock the cabinet is 1134… One can say the Scientists here have a dark sense of humor. You would need one to retain your sanity in a place like this. Otherwise, it would be gone by week’s end.”
Flips Back to Moon Knight. Moon Knight quickly turns his head and upper body around and back to face Ghost Rider. When facing Ghost Rider, his arm his stretched pointing back at the cabinet.
Moon Knight: “You mean this cabinet over here?” (speak with hesitation)
Flips back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “Precisely”.
Back to Moon Knight. Moon Knight slowly turns around, walks toward the cabinet, gets on one knee, unlocks it, pulls out pistol, loads it, closes cabinet, gets up, and turns around to face Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “Why are you looking at me for? Pump Marlene and the rest full of lead and get us out of here. Time is of the essence!!!”
Back to Moon Knight. He turns to his right to face the two rows of cells.


Scene 27): REUSE THE GREEN LANTERN CELL ROOM SHOT AND SHOWCASE MOON KNIGHT WALKING FROM THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROOM TO THE LEFT. He stops walking once he reaches the middle of the room. He turns to face the audience.

Scene 28): REUSE THE MARLENE CAGED BACKGROUND. Marlene is seen biting herself in the cage and constantly trying to RAM into the sides of the cage. Moon Knight’s right arm lifts from the bottom of frame into center frame holding the pistol directly at Marlene. Moon Knight pulls back the pistol to line up the sight piece directly at Marlene’s head for a perspective shot. The audience now only sees through the sight piece of the pistol.

Scene 29): SIDE PERSPECTIVE OF THE CELL CAGE WITH THE CAGE ON THE LEFT AND MOON KNIGHT ON THE RIGHT. Moon Knight’s left side is seen by the audience. Marlene leans her head touch the bars of the cell breathing rapid as Moon Knight pushes his right arm forward placing the opening of the pistol directly on Marlene’s forehead.

Scene 30): REUSE THE MARLENE CAGED BACKGROUND. Moon Knight’s pistol is still locked on Marlene’s head in his first person perspective shot. The pistols shakes around at its target in Moon Knight’s grasp. Eventually he stops shaking the gun.

Scene 31): REUSE scene 29 AND HAVE MOON KNIGHT”S FINGERS SLOWLY EDGE TOWARDS THE TRIGGER BUTTON. He genteelly presses his fingers on the trigger and ROTATES HIS ARM 180 degrees behind him without flinching nor looking and the stray bullet fires out.

Scene 32): THIS IS A BRIEF SCENE SHOWING THAT THE STRAY BULLET WENT ZOOMING INTO A VENT BEHIND MOON KNIGHT. (Spoilers, it hit Ant-man in the leg but it won’t be explained nor shown until the Episode that has Ant-man as it’s main protagonist going through past events through his perspective. So probably Episode 8).


Ghost Rider: “What are you doing, Spector?!?!”

Scene 34): FLIPS BACK TO MOON KNIGHT REUSING scene 29 AGAIN. Moon Knight lights of again with the powers of the moon and quickly breaks Marlene’s lock on her cell door with one swipe of his right arm as if were slamming his fist down at a bar. The light fades from him once more and he pulls open the cell for Marlene. Marlene stumbles out.


Ghost Rider: “You’re making everything worse! Don’t you see…. she’s not the same person anymore….. None of them are!”

Scene 36): BACK TO MOON KNIGHT WHO HAS A QUICK SLANTED SIDE SHOT OF HIM OPENING THE REST OF THE CELL DOOR IS A SHORT THREE ANGLE MONTAGE. This cycles from slanted right with Moon Knight facing right, slanted left with Moon Knight facing left, and then slanted right with Moon Knight facing right.


Moon Knight: “You haven’t seen outside your window in months, Johnny. Less than 1% of Earth’s population are unaffected by this disease thus far. With too many to count infected roaming the treats, what’s the purpose of killing a handful when a cure could be made”.
Flips back to Ghost Rider.
Ghost Rider: “hmmm… you still believe this is just some treatable virus. No… no, this is what happens when you rip apart the thin fabric of the universe... and turn it into your own personal quilt… Let’s just say, everyone becomes Soul Sinners… except the chosen 1%...

From left to right.

Ghost Rider: “And by the look on your friends’ faces…”
Flip back to Ghost Rider on table.
Ghost Rider: “You better hope you’re a chosen one like me… ha, ha , Ha, Ha, HA, HA!”

Scene 39): REUSE MOON KNIGHT CENTER SHOT FROM scene 37. Moon Knight slowly steps backwards as the infected stumbled forwarded ever so closer to Moon Knight.

Scene 40): REUSE SIDE SHOT OF CELL AREA WHERE THE GREEN LANTERN WAS HANGING IN THE ROOM. Moon Knight is slowly walking backwards with his arms out, preparing to fight in defense as the infected come even closer towards him.

Scene 41): THE DOOR IS RIGHT BEHIND MOON KNIGHT AND HE IS PLACED NEAR THE CENTER OF THE ROOM WITH BOTH ROWS OF CELLS SHOWN. Moon Knight still walking backwards closer to the door and the infected are getting closer to him. Moon Knight never blocks the door from being seen in frame. Suddenly the door handle begins to turn and the door pulls open. An all blue Tony Stark in a Toga walks through the door.

Scene 42): SIDE SHOT OF THE ROOM WITH BLUE TONY STARK WALKING RIGHT AND MOON KNIGHT WALKING BACKWARDS TOWARDS THE DOOR WITH THE INFECTED FOLLOWING HIM. Blue Tony Stark does not walk to far into the room and does not make any eye contact. He just takes three steps forward (to the right) in the room and immediately without hesitation turns back around.

Blue Tony Stark: “Wrong Room” (He says as he turns back around and closes the door behind).

SCENE 43): CLOSE UP OF THE BACK OF MOON KNIGHT HEAD ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE SHOT WITH THE INFECTED STUMBLING TOWARDS HIM ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE SHOT. Moon Knight quickly turns his head around before the sound of Blue Tony Stark closing the door plays out. The Infected are still moving in on Moon Knight.

SCENE 44): BACKGROUND OF THE FRONT DOOR IN THE LEFT UPPER CORNER OF FRAME WITH THE BACK OF MOON KNIGHT’S HOOD ON THE RIGHT BOTTOM CORNER. Barely any movement from Moon Knight, but the audience can hear the simple audio sound effects of Blue Tony Stark in a Toga walking next door, opening the door, the door slams behind him, and a muffled version of the song “I’m Blue” plays in the background to the left of screen.


Moon Knight: “Wait... what? AHHH!!!!”
Marlene bites down on Moon Knight’s arm and pins him to the ground. The rest of the infected follow soon.

Scene 46): MOON KNIGHT UPPER TORSO ONLY SHOT ON THE FLOOR WITH THE INFECTED PINNING HIM AND BITING AT HIM. Moon Knight tries squirming around but it’s no use and he can’t help but hysterically laugh at his own avoidable situation.
Moon Knight: “Ha Ha ha ha HA HA HA HAAAAAA!!!!”

Fade in title: “Moon Trip” Coming Soon

After Title Bonus Seen:
USING ONLY THAT PORTAL BACKGROUND I MADE HALF A YEAR AGO. The Portal laser warm up and create a portal automatically. An egg squeezes out of it and falls on to the table. Before long, the egg begins to shake and a fist comes popping out the right side breaking part of the shell off. Next the fist comes back into the shell, pulls out a match, strikes the match on the table, and retracts back into the shell. Smoke begins to form floating out the broken side of the egg and a small red circle begins to show on the shell. The red circle gets bigger and bigger bringing until the entire egg is red with it a smaller black circle going through the same pattern. Then a hole forms in that same spot disintegrating the shell as it grows and follows the same path of the red and black circles. There appears Howard the Duck sitting on the table smoking a cigar.

Howard the Duck: “Hey pal, ain’t yous ever seen a sitting duck befores? They’re quite common roaming arounds New Yoke, but I tells you what. I ain’t never seens a featherless Mel Gibletson and Katelyn Henner befores. Just look at youses… you disgust me. Especially you, Mel Gibletson! I ain’t neva forgetting what youses said about the Jabiruses!!!”
Howard Points directly at someone off screen in the audience.
Mr. Fantastic: “I think he’s talking to you, Sue”.